If you have an account please Login Below.

User Name:

If you have forgotten your password please go here.

If you do not have an account please first create an account.
Your email address does not appear to be valid.

\n"; else if ( $password != $confirmpassword || $confirmpassword == '' ) $failedmessage .= "

Your passwords don't match.

\n"; else { if ( $username == '' ) // $ToDo Or in db { $failedmessage .= "

Your user name does not appear to be valid.

\n"; } else { $result = Query( "SELECT UserName FROM `CallTheBall`.`WebExcavatorRegister` where UserName = '".$username."'" ); if ( $result != false && Num_Rows($result) > 0 ) $failedmessage .= "

Sorry, your chosen user name is already in use.

\n"; else { $sql = "insert into `CallTheBall`.`WebExcavatorRegister` ( UserName, Password, Email, tstamp ) values ( '".$username."', '".$password."', '".$szEmail."', NOW() )"; $result = Query( $sql ); } } } } else { $password = str_replace("'", "''", $_POST['szPassword1'] ); $sql = "SELECT `Key` FROM `CallTheBall`.`WebExcavatorRegister` where UserName = '".$username."' and `Password` = '".$password."'"; $result = Query( $sql ); if ( $result == false || Num_Rows($result) <= 0 ) $failedmessage = "Sorry your account was not found"; else { $key = Result($result, 0, "key"); $paid = true; } // Else if isset($_POST['key1']) temporarily just create a key and add it to the account $paid = true; if ( $failedmessage == '' && (isset($_POST['key1']) || $key == '') ) { include( "includes/key_inc.php" ); $key = GenerateKey( $username ); $sql = "Update `CallTheBall`.`WebExcavatorRegister` set `Key` = '".$key."' where UserName = '".$username."' and `Password` = '".$password."'"; $result = Query( $sql ); $paid = true; } } if ( $failedmessage != '' ) { echo 'Error:

'; $failedmessage .= "

Please try again.

\n"; echo $failedmessage .'

'; } else if ( $paid == false ) { ?> Payment:

To purchase Web Excavator follow the steps below:

First make a secure payment of $14.95 by clicking on the 'Buy Now' button below:

'; echo 'Please enter the information below into the registration window:
'; echo '
'; echo '
Name:   '.$username.'
Key:   '.$key.'
'; echo '
To open the registration window start up Web Excavator and click on the \'Register\' menu item. It will also be displayed if your trial period is over.'; } } include "includes/bottom_inc.php" ?>